After a carefully regimented program of staring into nothing for an hour, the Engineers in us finally woke up and decided to act. We ran the broomstick left behind under hot water from the bathroom and used the warmth on the bristles to make scrubbing ice off easier. As it was freezing outside, the warmth barely lasted for a minute or two. So, we had to run back in to the igloo every few minutes to wet the broom. About 2 hours & 200 sprints to the bathroom later, the front half of our igloo was fully clear. Ah, the sense of accomplishment!
Although we knew we weren’t going to fall asleep, we set a series of alarms, left our cameras to charge and settled in our bed waiting for the show to begin with a beaming smile on our faces. At half past 1, a small streak of bright neon green light whizzed past directly in front of us and before we knew, the entire sky was filled with green and purple dancing lights. We both didn’t utter a single word for the next hour or so completely smitten by one of nature’s most elusive spectacles